Friday, June 8, 2012


Prometheus is Ridley Scott's new gangster drama, about gangsters who end up on a strange planet.Actually that is not true. With Prometheus, Scott returns to his roots. He returns to sci-fi and Alien. Did months of teasing people with different trailers and clips of the movie, pay off? Is the movie worth all the hype?

I have to admit, Prometheus is a good movie.

The story itself is simple enough. A group of scientists travels to a distant planet to investigate the origins of human life. We pretty much know how this is gonna end. Actually i'm probably lying. We know the basic elements, but there is much new here.

Yes Prometheus is a film related to the Alien movie but mostly it is a standalone film.
The basic elements of the story have been kept secret for almost as long as that space jockey has sat in that chair, at the beginning of the first Alien movie. To be honest I'm not surprised about the secrecy. One of the writers of this movie, wrote the Lost series.

The story is fast paced, immersive and very, very interesting. There are scenes where I thought: Yup, I know what is going to happen. And then there are scenes  I thought: Holy shit, that is messed up.
Luckily, the predictable scenes don't bother and neither do the surprising elements.

Prometheus continues the Alien series trend with a female protagonist. This time Noomi Rapace portrays Dr Elizabeth Shaw, one of two scientists, thanks to whom the expedition to LV- 232 is carried out. Rapace really carries out the role, she's as good Sigourney Weaver, if not better. Her character can handle herself and she's not a wimp. In my opinion Rapace's character is better than Ripley.

Ok, this is the second week of june and for the second week in a row in the week's biggest new movie, Charlize Theron play a bitch. Is she going to fill the whole june like this. Hopefully we won't see her ( hear her) in Madagaskar 3.  Theron knows how to play a witch, she's really good. Theron portray's Meredith Vickers. Vicker's is a cold, calculative and mean person, who is tasked with supervising the expedition.

You know what helped make the X-men first class an excellent movie? The answer is Michael Fassbender. He is an incredible actor. He plays out every role, no matter where he's cast. Here he plays an android named David, who above everything else is also very curious. Fassbender probably has the toughest job here. To play a robot, to have the same expression all the time is probably not very easy. But Fassbender is great. His performance is unique and nothing short of brilliant.

I probably say this a lot but Prometheus is one of the most visually striking films ever made.From the early scenes is Scotland to the planet LV-232, Prometheus is breathtaking. All the sets are beautifully designed and they really display how mystical the planet is. In the scenes where the crew is exploring the cave, there is a feeling like something might pop out of the walls or jump down from the ceiling.

The music is well placed and suits with the movies tone and mood.

If we put aside the music, the actors and the effects. What do we get? We get a movie that has a very good story and manages to hold it's pacing for 2 hours and there are no boring scenes, at all. I like Prometheus more than the original Alien films beacause the film wraps itself around the Alien mythology. Which we don't know that much about. The mythology is more interesting than the action in the first films. The mythology fits into the movie and is a break from the mindless action of Aliens.

Ridley Scott is one of the few sane Hollywood directors who filmed his movie in 3D. The result is one of the three best 3D movies ever made. Scott promised us a 3D movie, that would be more easy on the eyes and he has delivered. Prometheus's steroscopic format is not a dark and murky as 3D movies usually are. The 3D is noticeable throughout and they don't throw things at the audience, which is a relief.

Prometheus is excatly what we were promised. An epic space adventure that is immersive, tense and relying on it's mythology. There is no shortage of beautiful visual effects, nice sets and pitch perfect casting. I should add that this is not a kid friendly film and Scott was wise to give this film an R rating. Come on, if there were no grotesque scenes, this would not be an Alien film.



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