Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Twilight saga: Breaking dawn: part 2

What else is there to say, when it comes to Twilight, other than- I think I'm gonna be sick.

Allright I'll admit that this movie was not as terrible as I expected it to be, definitely better than that  awful Breaking dawn part 1.

Actually Breaking dawn part 1 is not even a bad movie, it is simply one of the most pointless movies OF ALL TIME.

Yeah, yeah, we all know what's going to happen now. Bella is now a vampire, she's happily married to Edward and they have a kid, but suddenly the Volturi think that Renesmee is an immortal child and so they come to kill the Cullens, for their so called crime.

As I already mentioned, this is not really a bad film, actually this one of the most watchable films in the whole Twiligth series.

The story is very boring and mostly mediorce. During the scene where Bella is beating Jacob, I was just laughing, because the dialog and the way K- Stew acts, is just so stupid, that you really don't have anything else to do.

During the first hour and twenty minutes, nothing happens, but then there is this awesome fight, thanks to which at least one movie in this series can be described as epic.

The actors are not all bad, but they are incredibly boring to watch. When I see Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson together on screen, I no longer think of them as a cute couple, they had chemistry and they were adorable in the first Twilight, which was and still is, the best Twilight movie. But in this film, they gather a bunch of vampires, about 20 I think, but for the most part, they don't have anything else to do, other than to stand and stare. Robert Pattinson is a beautiful as ever, Taylor Lautner can't stop taking his shirt off and Kristen Stewart still looks like she's high.

But when it comes to style, the actors still look good, the costume and make-up departments have done a wonderful job. The sets and surrounding nature look beautiful. We get some nice special effects and Carter Burwell's music is often dazzling.

The last Twilight movie wraps things up like it should, by the book. I couldn't have imagined it being better than it was ( actually I can), but as I said last year, in the Breaking dawn part 1 review, no matter how hard you try, this is still twilight and nothing can change that.

When a popular series, like Twilight or Harry Potter comes to an end, there is almost always a certain feeling, for example when Harry Potter ended, I was very sad, because, I had grown up with those characters. When it comes to twilight, I don't feel practically anything, I'm mostly glad it's over, I can now move on with my life.

I was originally gonna go higher with the rating, but then I realized that the movie is really not worth a higher rating so...



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