Saturday, November 3, 2012


Jospeh Gordon Levitt is Bruce Willis, Bruce Willis is Joseph Gordon Levitt and Rian Johnson is the director.

By the year 2044, time travel has not yet been invented, but flash forward another 30 years and it will have been. However time travel will almost immediately be declared illegal and the only people who use it are organized criminals, who send people back in time to get rid of them, because in the future killing someone and then disposing of his body is almost impossible. Joe ( Joseph Gordon Levitt) is one of many specialized assassins called Loopers, who kills people sent back to him from the future. Until the day his employers send him the future version of himself.

I hope no one is confused and I hope I didn't spoil anything. My reviews are usually spoilerfree so you can rest easy and read them without spoilerfear. Anyways...

I first read about Looper from The Empire Magazine. At the Beginning of one issue, there was a small article about it, but after reading it I just tossed it out of my head because I was thinking it was gonna be one of those cheap, forgettable sci-fi movies no one really cares about. However Looper is everything I didn't think it was gonna be.

The difference between Looper and other sci-fi films: i've noticed that recent sci-fi films are all trying to prove something, mostly they just fall flat on their faces and get trampled by critics. The problem is that they are usually either very loud, there are too many explosions, the plot is terrible or the characters are one dimensional cardboard cutouts. But somehow Looper has managed to make room for story, for the characters and the action.

What's  incredible is that even though there are many characters in the movie, even the less imortant characters have a purpose.

Actually there is not that much action in the movie. Or less action than I thought there would be. The film is melted together in such a way that there is room for both action and characters, but the story is always the most imortant thing.

Someone said that Looper was supposed to be complicated. I don't know what to make of that statement. For me the movie was not complicated at all. Yeah sure, maybe there were a couple of scenes where I thought " Wait, what is going on" but for the most part evrything is very clear. Well some people might be confused, but the film still isn't on Inception's level when it comes to complications. And trust me on this one, the first time I walked out of the theater after watching Inception, I really thought that my head was going to explode.

If someone is looking for an original sci-fi movie, that involves time travel , then I suggest you go for Looper. There aren't many films like Looper out there, this one really is unique. At least I don't know any other movie that has a plotline like this one. Looper has a really strong vision about the future and let me tell you, that fututre is not colorful.

The story that is told here is really good. It's very serious and kind of grim, but also very realistic. And of course it's really tense and very intriguing. How many movies that involve time travel have ever been made? A lot. And how long has it been since we got a movie that involves time travel, but is also original?

It's amazing how much Joseph Gordon Levitt resembles Bruce Willis. I wonder if thay did that with  make-up or digitally?
I'm beginning to like Jospeh Gordon Levitt more and more. He seems to be the kind of actor who chooses his roles very carefully and if he does something he does it thoroughly and well. In Looper, JGL does a very good job.

Bruce Willis is one of those actors who I really don't care about, I don't watch his movies, no not even every year, at christmas when they show Die hard on tv. What can I say about him here?
Good job.

Bruce Willis and Jospeh Gordon Levitt play the same character, but I get the impression that they are different characters. They both have different goals and Bruce Willis's character is a very complex man. You have to watch the film in order to understand.

Emily Blunt portrays a tough chick, who hits stumps with and ax and wields a shotgun. That is actually surprising since I first thought that her character was gonna be some sort of  weak,whining pointless chick. But no. 2012 is the year of awesome feminine strenght and good female chracters.

There is also a boy in the movie, a complex chracter, like Bruce Willis, but the kid is portrayes by a child actor, who I'm not familiar with, but one thing is for sure. That kid has a future in acting.

Looper is definitely one of the best sci-fi movies in recent years and also one of the best films of the year. But on my list, it is still below Prometheus. Still those two movies are so different that they are very hard to compare.

I would not say that Looper is a very violent movie, there is blood, but it's not like in evey scene someone gets decapitated or something. Although in some scenes the violence went too far. I would not have thought that Bruce Willis's characters would go and kill children.

Good Sci-fi films don't usually come out in september, But here we are.

Looper is original, though, unique and it has vey interesting view of the fututre, which I doubt in the real world is gonna be very colorful. However i'm not gonna give the movie a perfect score, because it's not a movie a would want to watch again.



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