Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mehed Mustas 3

Nad on tagasi ja muidugi ei oska ma öelda. Kas nad on stiilsemad kui kunagi varem või mitte, sest ma pole kindel, kas ma olen esimest kahte osa lõpuni üldse näinud.
Agendid J ja K naasevad ekraanile pärast pikka pausi.Kas see oli ootamist väärt?
,,Mehed mustas 3” on lõpuks kohal. Ja seda tasus oodata.
Kui agent K elu ja olemasolek maal ohtu sattuvad, peab agent J rändama aastasse 1969, et K surm ära hoida.

Jah, selline see lugu meil siis ongi ja päris hea ka, mis oli suhteliselt üllatav.
Seda filmi pole just hellitatud. Enne, kui see kinodesse jõudis, käisid kuude kaupa arutlused käsikirja ümberkirjutamise kohta ja kuidas käsikirja korrigeerimine filmile mõjub. Nii palju, kui mina olen arvustusi lugenud, jääb mulje, et inimesed olid liiga skeptilised. Lõpptulemus oli ilmselt parem kui inimesed arvasid.

Mina olin samamoodi pisut umbusklik ja peab ütlema, et ma olin positiivses mõttes üllatunud. ,,Mehed Mustas 3” on parem, kui ma lootsin.

Will Smith ja Tommy Lee Jones on tagasi oma rollides. Pole ilmselt vaja öelda, et nad on mõlemad kuradi head.

See, kes otsustas nad 15 aastat tagasi koos paarina ekraanile tuua, oli TÄIELIK geenius. Nad sobivad super hästi kokku! Kui nad omavahel suhtlevad, on näha, et nad ei pea hullult pingutama selleks, et midagi välja head tuleks.

Kahjuks on  Tommy Lee Jones selles filmis ekraanil ainult 15 minutit. Sellegipoolest jätab ta oma jälje. Will Smith on suurepärane nagu tavaliselt ja tema tegelasele on antud  ekraanil väga palju aega.
Samuti üllatas mind, kui lahe on paha tegelane. Juba see milline ta välja näeb on omamoodi lahe -  see kuidas ta räägib, lisaks miimika.

Vaatamata sellele, et Tommy Lee Jones’ile pole ekraanil eriti palju aega antud, asendab teda Josh Brolin, kes mängib noort agent K-d.

Brolin on kohati peaaegu fenomenaalne. Tänu noore K filmi toomisele saab teda näha teisest küljest, ta on pisut rõõmsameelsem kui tavaliselt ja väga naljakas. Brolin sobib ekraanil Smith’iga kokku sama hästi kui Tommy Lee Jones. Stseenid, kus Brolin ja Smith on koos ekraanil, on nii head, et toovad isegi naeratuse näole, selle põhjustab ilmselt Brolin.
Näitlejatest on nüüd räägitud.

Nagu ma (vist) mainisin, olin ma filmi koha pealt suht skeptiline.  Kuid see ületas kõik mu ootused. Lugu on väga huvitav ja dialoog ei muutu igavaks.

,,Mehed Mustas” sisaldab paljusid totaka väljanägemisega tulnukaid ja peaaegu igal tegelasel on liiga suur pea, kohutavalt "ilusad" hambad või midagi muud huvitavat peas, käes või suus.

Siin on meeletult palju CGI-d, aga see ei häiri. Tulnukad näevad väga huvitavad välja ja eriefektid on nagu arvata võib väga köitvad. Eriti huvitav on ajas rändamise stseen, mis kestis tegelikult palju kauem, kui trailer’itest näha oli. Ajas rändamist on kujutatud viisil, mille sarnast mina veel näinud pole. Kui nüüd aus olla siis pole ma näinud peaaegu ühtegi ajarännaku stseeni. Põhimõtteliselt ainus,  mis ajarändega seonduv, on ,,Tagasi Tulevikku” filmid.

Ma ei ütle midagi ette, aga lõpu poole tekkis see tunne, mida just eriti tihti ei koge. Selline mis nüüd edasi saab, mis nüüd edasi saab, tunne!

Järjest rohkem hakkab muljet avaldama järeltöötlusega lisatud 3D. Ma lähen isegi nii kaugele, et nimetan seda paremaks 3D-filmiks, kui näiteks ,,Tasujad”, või ,,Titanic”. 3D annab tõsiselt hea efekti, juba alguses ja kui sa vahelpeal võtad prillid ära, siis sa näed, et isegi ilma prillideta ei ole ees tavaline 2D pilt. See on üks neist 3D filmidest, mille kohta saab öelda, et see on tõsiselt immersive.

,,Mehed mustas 3” on tõsiselt hea suvehitt, võimsate eriefektide, totakate tulnukate ja ülihea 3D-ga. Smith ja Jones on täiuslikud nagu alati. Aga mina soovitaksin vaadata seda filmi põhiliselt Josh Brolini pärast.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Öö varjud

Isegi need, kellele ei meeldi Tim Burton’i filmid, peavad tõdema, et ta on üks Hollywoody kõige omapärasema käekirja ja visuaalse stiiliga lavastajaid. Tim Burton’ile meeldib töötada koos Johnny Depp’iga, see on nende kaheksas ühisfilm. Üldjoontes on nende koostöös valminud väga head filmid, kui muidugi välja arvata ,,Alice in Wonderland. Ei taha kritiseerida ei Deppi ega Burtonit, aga ,,Alice in Wonderland oli saast.

Seega tekib küsimus: kas ,,Öö varjud” on vaadatav film?

Dark Shadows 4fa6cb74cdc388ed13f66dc0

Ma pean ütlema, et tegu on väga hea ja meelelahutust pakkuva filmiga.

Depp kehastab 18. sajandi vampiiri nimega Barnabas Collins, kes pandi nõia (Eva Green) poolt needuse alla ja maeti 200 aastaks maha. Ta kaevatakse üles aastal 1972 ja ta asub taastama oma perkonna hiilgust, mis on kahe sajandi jooksul alla käinud.

Lugu iseenesest on üsna lihtne ja arusaadav, aga samas mitte tobe ja isegi paeluv.

Depp on oma tavapärases headuses - ta on korraga stiilne, pisut kentsakas ja koomiline. Viimasel ajal kipub juhtuma, et Depp peab üksinda kogu filmi üleval hoidma, kuid siin õnneks nii pole. Tema kaasnäitlejad Eva Green, Michelle Pfieffer, Jackie Earl Haley teevad samuti vaäga head tööd. Pole kahtlustki selles, et Depp on üks praeguse aja parimaid näitlejaid. Ta kannab ja mängib iga rolli täiega välja. Peaaegu kõik filmi naerukohad võlgnevad suure tänu just talle.

Ma imetlen Eva Green’i. Sellist mõrda, nagu tema mängib, pole mina kinoekraanil ammu näinud. Tõsiselt vastik tegelane, aga Green mängib rolli suurepäraselt ja usutavalt välja.

Michelle Pfeiffer kehastab Collins’ite perekonna ema. Tema, nagu tema kaasnäitlejadki, teeb väga head tööd.

Muidugi ei ole Burtoni filmist puudu ka Helena Bonham Carter. Ta on üsna tavapärane ja teda on hea jälle näha. Algul, kui nad tema tegelast mainisid, arvasin ma, et ta on mees. Nagu hiljem välja tuli, on ta hoopis naine ja lisaks veel ka alkoholiprobleemidega.

Kõik Tim Burton’i filmid ei ole head. Peab ütlema, et ,,Öö varjud” on üks tema kõige paremini õnnestunud filmidest. Võib-olla isegi parem kui ,,Charlie ja šokolaadivabrik”. Samas võib-olla ütlen ma seda ainult sellepärast, et ma olen seda filmi liiga palju vaadanud ja sellepärast, et ,,Öö varjud” on natuke värskem.

Burton’il on väga kindel visuaalne stiil: kui sa vaatad midagi sarnast, saad sa kohe aru, kes on filmi lavastaja. Lisan, et keegi teine ei suuda teha selliseid hulle, ebanormaalsel viisil lahedaid filme. Burton’i visuaalne stiil on nii omapärane ja seda on kohutavalt hea vaadata. Minu lemmikasi filmi juures, on see, millised on värvitoonid. Mulle on hakanud meeldima sellised tumedates, mudastes värvitoonides filmid. Selle filmi puhul on isegi stseenid, mis leiavad aset päeval, tumedates toonides. Alguses ei saanud tänu värvitoonidele õigesti aru, kes on vampiir ja kes mitte.

Mulle meeldib väga, kuidas nad on kujutanud 18. sajandit, see on üks filmi tugevamaid aspekte.

Samuti imetlen ma filmi muusikat, mis on väga tabav. Ma üritasin algusest lõpuni just muusikat kuulata ja sellele tähelepanu pöörata.

Ainuke asi, mis mulle ei meeldinud, oli see, et viimane lõpuvõitlus, läks pisut käest ära ja muutus väga ulmeliseks, minu jaoks liigagi ulmeliseks.

Vaatamata mõnele pisemale veale, on ,,Öö varjud” paeluv, põnev, visuaalselt võimas film, looga mis on tugev ja näitlejatega, kes on tasemel. ,,Öö varjud” on üks viimase aja kõige enam meelelahutust pakkuvatest filmidest.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Avengers

We have been waiting for the last 4 years. 5 movies have warmed this up for us. Wait are we talking about Sacha Baron Cohen's Dictator? No. The Avengers is finally here!!! Was it worth the warm ups? Does it even deserve our attention? Hell yeah! Avengers Assemble!!!!!

Damn! I wish I was a carzy fanboy, who has read all the Avengers comic books, or who has a Captain America costume in the wardrobe but unfortunately I can't have a costume, or read the comic books.

However I can and I will watch all of the Avengers solo movies very soon. If you look at the solo movies, their mostly pretty good.

The first Iron man movie was very good but I felt that the second one was just too much. It would have been okay if that movie  had never been made. The best thing about Iron man 2 was that they showed more of S.H.I.E.L.D and we got the chance to learn more about the Shield agents.

The 2008 Hulk movie was just boring. Nothing more to say.

Thor was good but it was missing something and the end result was a bit dry for me.

In my opinion the best of the solo movies was Captain America: the first avenger. It had absolutely everything, action, story and interesting characters. It was so much fun to watch and Chris Evans really brings the character to life in a really awesome way.

Now we're getting to the Avengers.

Writer, director Joss Whedon ( Firefly, Buffy the vampire slayer, Serenity) has made an incredible movie, which has a lot of action but also has moving scenes and actual fleshed out characters who have hearts and brains.

Let's face it. It probably wasn't easy for Whedon to write all of these characters into one big movie, especially considering that everyone of them has a big ego. In the wrong hands it could have all just collapsed. But Whedon makes it work and the result is one epic Hulk of a movie.

So the basic story is that Thor's Brother Loki, played brilliantly by Tom Hiddleston, returns to earth to conquer our planet and rule humans as their king. To stop him a superteam is formed. The teams members are Iron man, Thor, Black widow, Hawkeye, Hulk and Captain America.

I am not going to spoil anything, but  I will say that the intro in very fast. Basically no credits, they just suck you in. What made it even faster, was that there were no trailers before the movie. For me the first 30 minutes were really weird, I accepted the movie, but I was afraid that something might go wrong and I might not like it. But fortunately the movie was very swift, everything is just right and very massive. I think that what made me cautious was the pacing, it just moved so fast, but then you get pulled in to the story and you forget about the pacing.

In some cases when you watch a movie the only thing you want to see is the action  This is not the case. It's good to see how these mega heroes get along, how is the relationship between Tony Stark and Bruce Banner or how is the dynamic between Captain America and Thor. Usually scenes like that are really boring, but I must say that in The Avengers these simple scenes work really well.

Many of us are probably already fans of these characters, The Avengers gives us an oppurtunity to get know our favourites better
.Now I'm going to untangle the mess and talk about each of the main charaters.

Let's start with Iron man.

Robert Downey Jr is phenomenal. Whedon has written Tony Star in a way that makes him more interesting than in either of the previous Iron man films. It's really interesting to watch him plus he is the one who supplies the movie with humor. Mostly.

I really didn't care about Edward Norton's Hulk. The movie was mostly extremely boring and the Hulk looked kind of weird. Everything has changed here. Instead of Norton, Bruce Banner is played by Mark Ruffalo, now Ruffalo is the first actor to ever actually play the Hulk. Thanks to Motion Capture The Hulk  and Ruffalo look very similar. Before I saw the Avengers I did not care about the Hulk at all. Now I'm hoping that the Green guy will get his own movie and if he does I hope Ruffalo will play Hulk again. Next to Stark, he is the other character who supplies the movie with nice one liners.

As I mentioned before, last year's Thor was a bit boring. I don't understand why the critics loved it so much. It did have action, but the action was played out in a boring way and the end result was mediocre. After I saw Thor, I was a little surprised to be honest, because my favourite character was Loki. Chris Hemsworth is probably the only person who fits in the roll so perfectly. He was good in the first movie but here Thor really kicks ass and punches the living daylights out the bad guys.


I, like many others was surprised when they announced that Scarlett Johannson would play Black widow in Iron man 2. She wasn't bad, but the character really didn't have any purpose and didn't have much screentime. This time things are different and black widow gets a lot more attention. Good, because she is a really interesting character. At times she is a strong and powerful character. I like that they have brought Black widow in because among the pretty much all male cast it's good to see a strong female character especially one that kicks ass.

Jeremy Renner surprised in Mission impossible IV. He was one of the best thing about that movie.
He really pulls off of the Hawkeye role. Hawkeye is a really cool character. Like Black widow he is able to kick ass. Mostly he is used in a way that I did not expect. Who the hell said that Hawkeye gets little screentime.  If he did get little screentime, I didn't notice.


Nick Fury like others gets a lot more "so called " airtime. He is a lot more developed here and again a really cool character. One of the reasons I wanted to see this movie so much was because I knew that the more minor characters would also get a lot more attention.

The Total Film reviewer said that Captain America was theand cool  least interesting avenger. How can anyone say that? In my opinion he is the most interesting character. He is the man out of time. He was frozen for 70 years and now he must adapt with the modern world. It's actually quite sad to watch him beacuse he is alone and everyone he knew is dead and the world is strange to him. It's even cooler to see him in action, fighting alongside Thor and the others. At one point when he was getting his ass kicked I was like " No you can't kick his ass, he is too cool to get beat up"

Tom Hiddleston is perfect as the villain Loki, Thor's brother. Hiddleston makes one of the better villains in recent movie history. Despite the fact that he is a bad guy, he really has a back- story and he is an interesting character. I liked him in Thor but here he is even better.

But how is the Avengers a movie? It's awesome. First half of the movie kind of goes back and forth between the action and calm scenes. The second half of the movie is basically all out action. It is probably one of the best action movies of all time.  Despite that you never get bored. I am warning you,    there are a lot of laugh out loud scenes, you'll get tot laugh a lot. I did not think that it was going to be this funny but the jokes work really well.

As for the music I really like that they have used familiar themes in a couple of scenes, like in a few scenes with Captain America they have used  music that was In the first Avenger.

Action is a big part of this movie and as I mentioned it works incredibly well. The special effects are first rate, there are a lot of explosions and things go boom. From some point I just watched this with a grin on my face because simply put, this film is super epic.

The 3D is starting to annoy me. In most cases it's just sitting at the movie theater, wearing glasses and watching a 2-D image. The Avengers..... is not one of those movies. The movie has been surprisingly well converted. They really have done a terrific job. Some scenes just pop out of the screen and the end fight is one terrific 3D scene after the other. This 3D conversion better than either Titanic or Wrath of the Titans.

The Avengers is the best superhero movie ever made, not only because there is  plenty of action but because  it's interesting to see these superheroes together, fighting side by side and their dynamic is incredibly well done. The Avengers are here and they were worth the wait. The Avengers has a brain, a heart and a sense of humor. And there is a lot of action. Something for everyone.