Thursday, June 7, 2012


In space, no one can hear you scream.
More like, in space no one can hear you moan, while you watch this film.

Yeah, Alien might have been very special in 1979 and to people who saw it at that time and a little later, it probably still is special. But to me?

Yup. Alien is definitely good, but for me it's not a five star movie.

Directed by Ridley Scott, Alien stars Sigourney Weaver and a bunch of other, ( I'm sorry) mostly meaningless characters, except John Hurt, he's kind of important.

The first time I started watching this film, I almost fell asleep. In the first hour or so, there is little dialog and not a lot happens. The film begins with....  nearly 10 minutes of camera shots of an empty space ship.

In the beginning the character introduction is weird and it's hard to understand these guys. Then they land on a strange planet and poor John Hurt gets a facehugger, that thing is f....... creepy and disturbing. To be honsest, the whole film is really disturbing. Especially that chestbuster scene.

The story itself is actually very interesting and really tense, but at the same time it's also predictable. The crew of the Nostromo is just a bunch of boring characters except Ripley. She's damn good.

Ripley has presence, she's pretty powerful and Weaver does a very good job.

What really bothers me here is that this movie dargs and in the last 20 minutes or so I was like, will this vere end, how much longer are you going to keep this up.

The other disturbing thing is that, towards the end, when Ripley's running away from the alien, those blue flashes and steam really bothered me and gave me a headache.
Fine let's argue. I will say that the original alien, the xenomorph actually looks really awesome.

Aside from the xenomorph, the scares and Weaver's performance. Alien is a empty, there is not a lot going on in this film.



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